Before filling out the form, refer to our most recent specimen catalogue, and read the following conditions/qualifications regarding the process of sample request from ASU’s Carleton B. Moore meteorite collection:
- Only requests made by researchers at established, accredited institutions will be considered.
- Students seeking samples for graduate research must have their advisor fill out and submit the sample request form. Granted samples will be the responsibility of the advisor.
- Loans are issued for 6 months with the possibility of extension if requested by the researcher prior to the loan return date. Extensions to the loan period must be approved by the Center’s Director.
- Unused portions of specimens issued for destructive analysis must be returned to the Center with a detailed description of analysis methods or reagents to which they were exposed. Please download, fill in, and return the Sample Return Form (PDF, 749KB) with your sample(s).
- Permission must be obtained before polished or thin sections are made from loaned samples. If permission is granted, the Center asks that two sections are made, one to be used by the requester and one to be sent to the Center. The Center remains the owner of any sections prepared from the original sample.
- Loans shall not be transferred by the borrower to any other institution or individual without prior written approval.
- Presentations, abstracts, and published papers with results from research conducted on Center samples must acknowledge the Center and refer to the meteorite specimen in both name and Center catalog number. A copy of the abstract or paper should be given to the Center for its archives and records.