Karoonda is a carbonaceous (CK4) chondrite that fell in Australia the night of November 25, 1930.
According to a paper describing the meteorite (Mason and Wiik, 1962):
At 10:53 P.M. on November 25, 1930, an extremely brilliant meteor was seen by many observiers in South Australia. A meteorite fell near Karoonda, a small settlement some 75 miles due east of Adelaide. It was found two weeks later in a sandy, fallowed wheat field by a search party from the University of Adelaide and Adelaide Observatory. The meteorite evidently consisted of a single stone which shattered on impact with the ground; some 92 pounds of fragments were collected, the largest weighing 7 pounds.
Karoonda is the namesake for the CK group of carbonaceous chondrites, which the Meteoritical Society defines as:
distinguished by abundant fine-grained matrix (~75 vol%), millimeter-sized chondrules that lack igneous rims, relatively few refractory inclusions, and a high degree of oxidation; most CK chondrites have been metamorphosed to type 4 or higher.
This piece of the Karoonda meteorite measures approximately 1.5" at its widest point. Photo: ASU/CMS/Schrader.

In 1932, a monument was erected at the impact site, commemorating the fall of the Karoonda meteorite.
Further reading:
Mason B., and Wiik H. B. (1962) Descriptions of Two Meteorites: Karoonda and Erakot. American Museum Novitates No. 2115. 10pp.
Torrano Z. A., Brennecka G. A., Williams C. D., Romaniello S. J., Rai V. K., Hines R. R., and Wadhwa M. (2019) Titanium isotope signatures of calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions from CV and CK chondrites: Implications for early Solar System reservoirs and mixing. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 263: 13-30.