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Buseck Center for Meteorite Studies

Wold Cottage

Wold Cottage is an ordinary (L6) chondrite that fell in the East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom, December 13th of 1795. This meteorite fell at a time when the occurence of rocks falling from the sky was still the subect of heated debate. In fact, though the Wold Cottage meteorite fall was witnessed by several […]

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Buzzard Coulee

Buzzard Coulee is an ordinary (H4) chondrite that fell November 20th, 2008, in rural Saskatchewan, Canada. The associated fireball was quite visible, and was witnessed by several; according to the Meteoritical Bulletin (MB 95): "A bright fireball was widely observed across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba during late twilight on November 20, 2008. The fireball and […]

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Peekskill is an ordinary (H6) chondrite that fell October 9, 1992, in New York. How would you feel if a meteorite wrecked your car? According to the Meteoritical Bulletin (MB 75), after a fireball and a loud noise the evening of October 9, 1992, a meteorite weighing over 12 kg (~26.5 lb) fell on a […]

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Benld is an ordinary (H6) chondrite that fell the morning of September 29th, 1938, in Macoupin County, Illinois. The Benld meteorite was only the second meteorite recovered in Illinois (there are now 10 recognized meteorites from the state), and its fall was quite spectacular. The meteorite was described by B. H. Wilson in Popular Astronomy […]

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