See what Center researchers are currently working on in this special behind-the-scenes feature!
Center Deputy Director Dr. Devin Schrader uses electron microprobe analysis (EPMA) to characterize primitive early Solar System material, determine its variability between meteorite groups, and understand its evolution. Read his most recent paper, here!
EPMA is the quantitative detection of the electron-bombardment-induced emission of characteristic X-rays. This allows for the rapid, nondestructive determination of the chemical composition of regions smaller than 1 µm in a planar, well-polished sample that is stable under high vacuum.
ASU's JEOL JXA-8530F electron microprobe has a nominal imaging resolution of 3 nm with six spectrometers for non-destructive X-ray microanalysis and imaging of solid samples up to 10 cm in size.
Photo © ASU/BCMS/Schrader.