Center Emeritus Assistant Research Professor Amy Jurewicz, former Jet Propulsion Laboratory Project Scientist for NASA’s Genesis mission, has been involved with the planning of the 2024 Genesis Solar Wind Sample Analysis and Techniques Virtual Workshop along with Genesis Primary Investigator Don Burnett, Genesis Curatory Judy Allton and Carla Gonzalez (Jacobs Engineering – Genesis Curation).
The workshop will be run as short sessions in May, and presentations fall into general topics:
- New and continuing solar wind analyses and technique development
- Assessing elemental analyses in the light of space weathering
- New cosmochemical applications for Genesis data
- Advances in solar physics related to Genesis
- Possibilities for future work and collaborations

This year, Jurewicz will be hosting sessions and giving two presentations; one on a new technique for cleaning the Genesis commercial sapphire collectors for large area trace element analyses, and the other an overview of the low first ionization potential elements and whether or not they record small amounts of fractionation from the photosphere as has been previously suggested.
Conference organizers encourage colleagues in heliophysics and space weathering who would benefit from Genesis results to join in animated and productive discussion. The virtual workshop is free, but registration is required. Click here for more information.