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Buseck Center for Meteorite Studies

Apply for the 2023-24 Nininger Meteorite Award!

The Buseck Center for Meteorite Studies at Arizona State University is pleased to announce the application opportunity for the 2023-24 Nininger Meteorite Award for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing research in meteoritical sciences. The Nininger Meteorite Award recognizes outstanding student achievement in the meteoritical sciences as embodied by an original research paper.  Papers must cover […]

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Happy anniversary, Genesis mission!

Happy 20th anniversary to NASA’s Genesis sample return mission! On September 8, 2004, the Genesis Solar Wind sample return mission delivered captured solar wind particles to Earth. The landing was unexpectedly spectacular because an arrow on the design for the return capsule was drawn backwards; the pressure sensor never registered Earth’s atmosphere, and the capsule’s […]

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Benld is an ordinary chondrite (H6) that fell the morning of September 29th, 1938, in Macoupin County, Illinois.  The Benld meteorite was only the second meteorite recovered in Illinois (there are now 10 recognized meteorites from the state), and its fall was quite spectacular.  The meteorite was described by B.H. Wilson in Popular Astronomy (1938) […]

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